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Village Hall & Snooker Room Booking Form

Little Shelford Memorial Hall Management Committee

c/o the Bookings Clerk, 7 Newton Road, Little Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5HL
Tel: 07568 084330 email:

Area of Hall Required
Main Hall
Whole Hall (inc Main Hall plus Rear Meeting/Snooker Room)
Meeting/Snooker Room

Note: Hire of the Main Hall/Whole Hall includes use of the kitchen (cutlery, crockery and appliances), use of tables and chairs, and use of Audio system. Wi-Fi is available throughout the hall.

(e.g. children's party, badminton, snooker, etc.)

Time From

Note: Time must include any setting up and clearing up time.

Due to the residential position of the Little Shelford Memorial Hall (hereafter LSMH) we ask that the playing of amplified music is turned off by 9pm and doors and windows are kept closed. For later events, prior permission must be gained from the Little Shelford Memorial Hall Management Committee (hereafter LSMH MC) via the Bookings Clerk.

General T&Cs

The Hirer shall not use the Hall for any purposes other than those described on the Booking Form and shall not sub-hire the premises to any other person or organisation. Bookings are accepted on the basis of the information supplied by the Hirer. In the event that any information given as to the proposed use, number of persons attending or any other relevant factor is found to be incorrect the LSMH MC reserves the right to cancel the booking.

No booking shall be regarded as confirmed until a booking form has been completed, submitted to and accepted by the Bookings Clerk. The LSMH MC reserves the right to refuse an application to hire the LSMH for any reason it sees fit.

If you require any further information please contact the Bookings Clerk, Sarah Haigh.

Once your booking has been accepted the Bookings Clerk will send you an invoice, a copy of the Conditions for Hirers form and liaise with you regarding key collection.

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