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Housing in Little Shelford


New homes planned for Newton Road

There are plans for six new homes on Newton Road.

Landowners of a small paddock in Newton Road are proposing an outline planning application for a limited infill development along the frontage of Newton Road for approximately six homes.

Jim Bryant of Bryant Land & Property representing the landowners, together with his planning advisor and architect met the immediate neighbours to the proposal, to explain the proposal and seek their feedback.

He will be presenting the proposal to the Little Shelford’s planning committee at 7.30pm on February 17th at the North Building in Church Street. Villagers are allowed to attend the meeting and share their views

The plot would be adjacent to a new road proposed by East West Rail to link Little Shelford and Hauxton, when the Hauxton Road level crossing is closed.

A planning application for the six homes is expected to be submitted imminently.


Any final decision about the development would be made by South Cambs District Council.

Posted Jan 28 2025

Housing stories in Little Shelford


Three new homes


Three new homes are to be built in Little Shelford.

The houses are being built on the former nursery site in Hauxton Road.

Harvey and Sons left the village in 2022 after 90 years.

​Their last day on Cambridge Market was 23rd July 2022. The nursery also shut down in July. The last day on the stall made the Cambridge News.

"We would like to thank you for all your custom, support and friendship, particularly over these past three very difficult years," said a statement from the family. "What we do is more than a job , it’s a way of life. 7 days a week 365 days a year. It’s time for a change , a rest and new adventures."

Updated Feb 27 2024

New home rejected

Proposals for a new bungalow at the end of The Terrace have been rejected.

The site is currently a grass lawn with two mature trees.

Little Shelford Parish Council and South Cambs Council had opposed the proposals.

The Developer appealled against their decision.

But the Planning Inspectorate said that the bungalow would spoil the character and appearance of the area, which has a thatched cottage next door.


Little Shelford Village Design Guide gets green light


A new guide which sets out how future development in Little Shelford must enhance the village has being adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council.


The new Little Shelford Village Design Guide is due to become a Supplementary Planning Document, meaning it will be taken into account when future planning applications in the area are determined. Members of the local community, including the Parish Council, have helped develop the guidance, which identifies what is distinctive in the village and aims to raise the quality of development locally. The adoption of the Guide is subject to the Council’s usual decision call-in processes.


The Village Design Guide has been developed by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, a partnership between South Cambridgeshire District and Cambridge City Councils, to provide additional design guidance in support of the adopted Local Plan policies.


The guide draws on extensive research and evidence gathering by the local community over several years. New planning applications will be now expected to demonstrate how they reflect the guidance.

A Village Design Guide helps communities and planners shape the character of new development in a specific area, in response to community priorities. It is a way to provide more locally specific detail, which augments and amplifies Local Plan policies. The Little Shelford Village Design Guide is the ninth to be adopted in recent years by South Cambridgeshire District Council, following the award of funding to the Council by central government to develop community-led design guidance.

Councillor Dr. Tumi Hawkins, Lead Cabinet Member for Planning at South Cambridgeshire District Council added: “I am delighted we are formally adopting this Village Design Guide to strengthen and improve the quality of new development in our rural areas. We have an exemplary track record in developing locally specific design guidance with our village communities. This one is no exception and draws on outstanding research by local residents. We look forward to seeing how this influences the quality of architecture in Little Shelford over the coming years.”


For more information visit

Posted Dec 22 2021

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